Tuesday 2 May 2017


The word Gusto dates back to 17th century but is derived from the Latin word gustus meaning to taste and tasting is what The Mary and I are all about on a Monday night.  I do most things with relish, enthusiasm and have been referred to in the past as a romantic optimist.  However, experience has taught me that optimism, like expectation, can be reckless and misguided, often leading to disappointment! 

Now I’m more of a flexible realist and every day I open myself up to the possibilities that may come my way.  Yesterday was the first of May and I see this as a month full of hope and new beginnings.  May in itself is a positive word if you think about it?  It is a word used to express possibility and hope!

May I…?
Yes you may…!

I may even become wickedly corrupt and maybe I’ll have the time of my life; who knows?  Men like a bad girl because they think the good girl is less of a challenge.  

Little do they know!  

Having had a busy weekend in Manchester I hurriedly booked a spot for me and The Mary on Monday evening.  On checking my email I instructed Miss Daisy, who had picked me up for a change, to head to Bothwell Street.  On entering the establishment we were met with a blank stare when I said that I may have booked a table there.   It was called Viva and it turns out we were looking for another place called Viva Brazil on the next block.

We made our apologies and promised to come back another time and off we headed to Viva Brazil Churruscaria. (Pronounced like Pizzeria but without the dough, tomatoes, cheese and herbs) 

It was quite busy and they seated us very quickly explaining the concept, which was basically like an adult, carnivorous farm visit but instead of farmers parading their cattle though, a troop of Passadors would move from table to table offering fifteen, aye fifteen different cuts of beef, lamb, pork and chicken.

Now, anyone who knows me will testify that I like a bit of meat, although I have no photographic evidence of this, but chewing away in public and getting bits stuck in my teeth, in the company of others, while being faced with a parading horde of carvers is not my idea of fun.

Can I just say though that I do prefer a chunky, meat eater and am very suspicious of vegetarians.  Besides the bad breath I think they are part of a wider conspiracy to help animals take over the world. I would never go out for dinner with a non-meat muncher.  That would be worse than a Monday night with The Mary!  

Some things should only be done in the privacy of your own home with a bathroom, toothpick and floss at the ready.  I much prefer to chew on my beef, suck on the bones and lick the dribble in the privacy of my own home.   Or in some handsome beefcake’s abode where we can bask in the afterglow of the microwavable leftovers.

I tried to explain all of this to the server and was met with a very, blank stare.  At this point we made our second lot of apologies and headed for the door.  By this point The Mary was confused and asked me if we were just out for a walk?

Back on Bothwell Street we spotted Gusto!  So with glee and anticipation we hopped across the road like spring chickens to pay them a visit.  On entry I started to explain why we were there and they had not really been our first choice of the evening, nor in fact, our second.  Again I was met with a blank stare and it made me wonder if the servers were tired because of the bank holiday.  They all seemed to look a bit vacant when I was talking to them. 

The Mary suggested it was because I talk shite and should hurry up and order some food and also, maybe if I stopped telling stories, we would be able to actually eat some dinner.

We decided to order form the A La Carte menu and ordered the Focaccia, Lasagne and Spaghetti with meatballs.  We also choose a rocket and Grana Padano salad to freshen the pallet.  Our server Chris turned out to be very charming once he understood that he didn’t actually have to listen to everything I said. 

He seemed quite relieved when The Mary kindly abbreviated everything to him in the form of bullet points.

·       Booked a place?
·       Went to the wrong place!
·       Left…
·       Went to original booking
·       Sat down!
·       Non keen on the meaty concept!
·       Left…
·       Stoated in here! 

The décor was inspired by the Grand Cafes of Europe and they see their mission as making an everyday experience exquisite.   It has a timeless feel and is very classical in its very own chic charm.  

I loved the tree with the twinkly lights!

They use simple, fresh ingredients to create classic and contemporary Italian food.  For me it was authentic and indeed simply made food with just the right amount of seasoning with the pasta cooked to perfection.  The Mary enjoyed the Focaccia but it was made in the more Genovese, thicker style and she prefers the thinner crispy one; senza lieveto! 

However, the bread was wonderfully fluffy, light and flavoured with rosemary and garlic with a hint of sea salt. 

We may make mistakes and suffer the consequences of our decisions but I see May as a beginning and a new start for all of us.

As a Scorpio I am in my second half of my year which is a time of change and transformation.  Let's hope so and like an ever-burning, all-seeing Phoenix I will rise up from the ashes of the first half, which started last August.  It was fiery and passionate then fizzled fairly slowly and faded away but was, never the less, an empowering and wonderful experience!

My Starscope today states my favoured, or flavoured, (can't remember) body part is my crotch; my personality is magnetic and addictive so this gives me hope for the future.  I'll use a my Mx Magnet to attract, then my very able crotch will cause an addiction then we'll all live happily and passionately ever after! 

Unfortunately for The Mary, being a Aries, her favoured body parts are her face and head so she'll not be attracting very much so it's just as well she's got those kids to look after.  

See you next time!
Sceptic Peg...

To book any of the places mentioned click on the links below or the red links below!



Viva Brazil Churruscaria.

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