Tuesday 8 August 2017

Mean Streets!

Mean Streets!

It’s Dusk, in my big, ridiculously fabulous city.  The Mary and I are heading out, unsure of what the evening holds in store for us. The pishing rain has moved on but it’s still beautifully damp, driech, dark and cold towards the end of another August day. We see a marvellously drunk guy splashing and we revel in the sight of him relieving himself in a sparkly puddle. We carry on navigating the dogshit and giggle at our loss of balance; supporting, saving each other from the indignity of a fall. It's as if we are in a Film Noir!

Life is Beautiful!

I hear a Pidgeon coo and look up in wonder and at that very moment, it shits in my eye and, for once, it goes straight in as I’m not wearing my sunglasses. In an instant, I feel very lucky to be alive. It’s both refreshing and wonderful that nature is alive, well and seems to be flourishing on the remnants of lunches, long discarded, by the city dwellers.

Let Glasgow Flourish indeed.

Unexpectedly, we were lured by flashing, repetitive, hypnotic symbols dragging us into a doorway where two foreign bodies greeted us with a forceful invitation to sit, before hitting us with a mountain of propositions. I looked at The Mary and she stared back at me as if to say, “save me from this toil and tribulation!’.  I frowned apologetically before ordering something to drink in order to make the zombie move away so that we could fathom out what had just happened!

The array of offers was overwhelming and we decided to go for a main course; something quick at 50% off as the other options involved more calculations and manipulation and we wanted out of there before one of us disappeared into the ether in a whiff of soya. I was shitting myself and ventured down to the dungeon of terror only to be instructed to…

I’m far too polite, even in a hostage situation, to do this so used the cubicle. Then, on the way out I spilled a handful of water for fear of not following orders. When I got back to the near empty Sala there was another victim waiting for something to take away.  Obviously too scared to move away from the door she sat ridged looking at her light saber.

Just as The Mary tried to pass her a note the child portions of food arrived on miniature dishes but that was OK, as we could eat, in one fell swoop and head back to the street.

The sustenance had obviously given me courage, so I broached the subject of the discount. I asked the antagonist;

"If we had paid the full price would we have got the same amount of food?" and the server replied, with a ghastly giggle,
“No, you would get double that amount…!
“So, it’s not really 50% off is it, if we only get half the food?” I replied
“Do you want to complain to the chef?” she asked, gesturing towards the blood-stained maniac standing at the kitchen door with a sword like thing in his hand.
“It’s fine, my ability to calculate has never up to scratch…it's not your fault, it's mine, all mine!”

The Mary had already sussed the situation and was already outside with five fags in her mouth, puffing away. We both started to run to get back to the motor as quickly as possible. Then, suddenly, standing right there in front of us was a vision of hospitality, handsomeness and heroism in the form of Super, Street, Food, Hero, Usha’s very own Kieran Cannon. Although he was too late to save us from the nemesis’s deceitful cuisine he did calm us down, stating we could visit him again, soon and everything will be wholesome and safe again!

As we venture home to the eastern metropolis we were comforted in the knowledge that one bad experience helps you to appreciate the better things in life. We will never, ever be seduced by unusual, persuasive signage and I promise to make sure I do some research before entering uncharted territory.

Before long we were safely treading the dull, dank, dangerous streets of our quarter of the city and had learned a valuable lesson…

There is no such thing as a free lunch and you really do only get what you pay for!

Unless it's free...that would be good!

See you the next time!

Oh, smoking is BAD for you...to keep calm try the green stuff or vape!

Me and The Mary


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