Tuesday 1 November 2016

Kastriot's Mediterranean Bar and Grill!

Kastriot's Mediterranean Bar and Grill

The Mary and I have often discussed the lack of classy eating joints on the Upper East Side of The River and to tell you the truth, I didn’t want to say that if there were any, I’d probably wouldn't go with her.   However, due to us travelling further afield recently and our visit to the fabulous Celino’s in the East she has gained some etiquette skills and can even order her own coffee without shocking or frightening the staff with decapitation.  The Mary’s favorite tipple, as you all know, is a “Decapitated Lassie.” 

Why would you keep drinking something that you can’t say?

So today when I met The Mary for coffee and she let me see her cocktail dress for the night.  Well, I didn’t know what to say.  It was very fancy with lace, sequins and a bit of chiffon thrown in.  I had to explain; although it was Halloween, we were not going out in fancy dress and we were staying in the East End.  She looked a wee bit upset until I explained that the weans will be over in Giffnock and I had, at last , found another, really classy joint in the area.

So, tonight we’re off to a smashing eatery in Baillieston; a former mining town which is now classed as a residential area and The Mary is pure buzzin' that there’s a new Gaff practically on her doorstep. 

Kastriots Mediterranean Bar and Grill is on the Main Street and no matter what happens my expectation is to be entertained by my very funny, mad pal, eat some good food and soak in the atmosphere of the Upper East Side in my fabulously cosmopolitan Glasgow Town!

When we arrived and were greeted by the very charming Stephen I had such a good feeling about the place.  The atmosphere was very cosy and inviting.  He then showed us to a booth and me and Mary were well chuffed because we love a wee tabernacle. There we are able to rid ourselves of all the weight of the previous week.  So, I must confess, it was a fantastic start to the evening. 

I am a pure foody and take ages to order but then, all of a sudden, The Mary pipes up that she’s going to do the ordering and I was like; “Hey you, wit’s guan oan?”  She’s getting far too confident with  all this going out carry-on.  Ordering for me indeed!  Then she strikes up with, “When I lived in Greece,” Well, I’ll be damned.  Thinking she was talking a load of Baklava I asked her to haud oan and explain.  No way, was she treating me like some sort of ‘cretan dakos’ and so the rest of the orthodox confessional began.

Seemingly, when I lived in Italy, The Mary couldn’t stand being in Glasgow without me so, she got on a banana boat down at the Clyde side and asked how far it would take her for 45 quid. She landed in Greece and got a job there until she knew for certain I was on my way back before returning.  Now that's what I call true, pal, love for you!

After much deliberating and three delightful visits to the table from Mark (the good looking one) we decided on the Greek Pitta with chicken and a Lamb dish with pasta and I can tell you was the most magnificent, pasta sauce I’ve tasted since my last plate of orecchiette con sugo al pomodoro që nëna ime në ligj ka bërë mua në vitin 1998!

The décor was perfect in its simplicity and the lighting was just right to create a warm, Mediterranean  feel on a very cold and winter’s night.  The Mary was very happy and excited but I was worried when she started to dance about.  I thought she was going to the toilet but she started a very energetic scirtos and was springing, leaping, shuffling and dragging people up off their seats.  Eventually I was obliged to rugby tackle her as she made her way towards a bundle of plates.  I sensed what was coming next.  She was out of control!

So, All you Upper East Enders haud oan tae your sfakiani and get yersel up that Baillieston Main Street for a night of delicious and authentic Greek Scran!

Translations for folk from the West End;

Nëna ime në ligj ka bërë mua në vitin 1998 – my mother in law made me in 1998

Orecchiette con sugo al Pomodoro - orecchiette with tomato sauce

Guan – going
Huad oan – hold on or wait and give me a bit of thinking time
Wit – what?
Pipes – uses her mouth to convey new and unexpected information
Wisnae – wasn’t going to
Scran – food of all types
Yersel – on your own…

But I’m sure if you want to take The Mary she would gladly go with you. 
Her number is 0772431958

See you next week.


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