Sunday 23 July 2017

Festival Girl!

Festival Girl on Tour!

So off we went to the Malta Food Festival and my expectations were as high as my standards which, at times, are not that great, if truth be told.  Just as well, because the promise was a 'gastronomic alfresco eating and drinking' experience set up to entertain the whole family.  I was very excited especially because this weekend I was going to be missing one of my favourite festivals in Glasgow -The Merchant City Festival

The Malta festival reminded me of more commercial trade fairs I've been to in Scotland. On entry, the traders were quite aggressive and we had to fight our way through Mr Pringle, the very beautiful Miss Cisk and many others before getting to the actual food stalls. In order to buy food you had to first wait in a queue to buy tokens (which were non-refundable by the way) and then wait another, long line to choose your food from a selection of Thai, Spanish, British, Indian, Maltese, Lebanese and Italian.

My choice was Indian and again I felt as if I was sampling but after paying my €5 I was very disappointed and still hungry.  I headed off to look for dessert which consisted of Cannoli and Candy Floss; hardly a 'gastronomic' selection!  Maybe there was more but I was frustrated and hungry. That's not a great combination and I nearly stole a bag of sweeties off a wean in a pram but his dad caught me. I said I was only picking it up because he'd dropped it!

The queues were all very long in my quest for coffee I had to walk right back to the beginning and then, lo and behold,  they didn't accepted the tokens. I hadn't brought my purse because we were taking turns in order to save seats. There were about three times more bums than seats.

There were two stages offering Malta's 'finest' talents and I've included a clip below and you can make up your own mind about the standard. This was the one and only time I was attracted to the stage and I realised it was the song and not the singer.  She was 'chanting' Walk 500 Miles by The Proclaimers and she did an OK job of it!

When we were done, and I had never been more over something so quickly,  I collected the tokens in order to attempt getting a refund and it was a very definite NO from the 'lady' at the desk. 

Well, not for me it wasn't! 

So, louder then any chanter I stood at the desk and offered my tokens at a knock down price ending up with the biggest queue of the evening. It goes to show everyone likes a bargain! 

No one messes with a Glasgow Girl, especially one from the Gorbals!

See you the next time!

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